The Blog at MRC The Crossings Retirement Community

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Paying it forward

The Langford’s Resident Council put their gratitude into action when they hosted a food drive to fill the pantries of  Crestview Terrace, Crestview Unity and Crestview Place, MRC’s Affordable Housing properties in Bryan. This act of kindness was held in honor of the selfless staff that went the extra mile during February’s ice storm.  The council says they were astounded at the sacrificial service and dedication that was demonstrated by staff who left the comfort of their own home to stay at the community on air mattresses throughout the duration of the storm.


Council members shared the following in a letter to the staff, “You clearly demonstrated your commitment to the MRC ICARE values of integrity, compassion, accountability, respect and excellence. We thank each and every one of you for your service that went above and beyond what anyone could expect during the storm and indeed, on a daily basis.  As residents of The Langford Retirement Community, we are greatly blessed to have each of you as members of The Langford staff.” In addition to gathering an abundance of food and toiletries, the residents raised $3900 with this special effort that was inspired by their love for the staff.


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The Langford Senior Living Explore Arrow, College Station